Welcome to The Ohio/KY Center Director Portal!
Please select from the buttons below to add and new inquiry to the system, schedule a tour or initiate enrollment.
Or go to your page:
All centers will use this new Button when you have an existing family that needs to enroll and register a sibling or new child to their account in DCW.
After calling a family for a follow-up within 24-48 hours of their tour, use this new button to enter the follow-up notes. 
Enter a tour outcome!
Select one of the following to record the outcome of a tour or the status of a family.
You can also update the status of a parent by resubmitting through another form.
Support and Contact Information
- Email: enrollmentUS@brightpathkids.com
- This mailbox is shared by the entire team!
Links and Resources
Please use the link Below when needed, only AFTER you have entered the family into the portal with the tour result.
BrightPath OH Registration Links
Meet Your Client Services Team
Jennifer Stevens jstevens@brightpathkids.com
Kat Melnyk kmelnyk@brightpathkids.com
Shannon McWhorter smcwhorter@Brightpathkids.com
Emily Guarino eguarino@brightpathkids.com
Amie Beyrent abeyrent@malvernschool.com
Fawn Sonko Fsonko@brightpathkids.com
Michelle Lamb mlamb@brightpathkids.com
Victoria Baillie vbaillie@brightpathkids.com
Tiffany Akin takin@brightpathkids.com
Meg Kingsland mkingsland@brightpathkids.com