Welcome to the Kidz Ink Center Director Portal! 
Please select from the buttons below to add and new inquiry to the system, schedule a tour or initiate enrollment.
Or go to your page:
Use this button when you have an existing family that needs to add a sibling or new child to their existing DCW account
After calling a family for a follow-up within 24-48 hours of their tour, use this new button to enter the follow-up notes.
Enter a tour outcome!
Select one of the following to record the outcome of a tour or the status of a family.
You can also update the status of a parent by resubmitting through another form.
Support and Contact Information
- Email: enrollmentUS@brightpathkids.com
- This mailbox is shared by the entire team!
Links and Resources
Meet Your Client Services Team
Jennifer Stevens jstevens@brightpathkids.com
Kat Melnyk kmelnyk@brightpathkids.com
Shannon McWhorter smchwhorter@brightpathkids.com
Emily Guarino eguarino@brightpathkids.com
Amie Beyrent abeyrent@malvernschool.com
Fawn Sonko Fsonko@brightpathkids.com
Michelle Lamb mlamb@brightpathkids.com
Victoria Baillie vbaillie@brightpathkids.com
Tiffany Akin takin@brightpathkids.com
Meg Kingsland mkingsland@brightpathkids.com